Visiting Our Bideford Chiropractic Practice
Can Chiropractic Help you?
We need to find the source of your problem and establish whether Chiropractic would be the best treatment for you.
Comprehensive Evaluation
Everyone is different so we need to hear your story and what needs to change for you to live your life to the full! We are sticklers for detail so you will need to allow around an hour for your first visit. During this time we will carry out a clinical and structural analysis, which will include muscle testing and scans. You will have the opportunity to watch a short film on Chiropractic and what is involved in your care. read more>>
Detailed Report of our Findings
Once we have got all the information, we will tell you what your body has told us. We ask you to come back to run through the results and we will then give you a detailed report of our findings, with a print out of the scan results. Feel free to bring a partner or family member. We will be happy to answer any questions. Once you know the options, it is your decision. read more>>
We look forward to helping you achieve optimal health and wellness! Contact Bideford chiropractor for an appointment today!